How to Master Combat in Elden Ring: A Step-by-Step Guide for Success

September 26, 2024

How to Master Combat in Elden Ring: A Step-by-Step Guide for Success


Elden Ring, from the creators of Dark Souls, has taken the gaming world by storm with its expansive open world, challenging enemies, and intricate combat system. The key to success in Elden Ring lies in mastering the game’s combat mechanics, which can seem overwhelming at first. However, with patience, practice, and the right strategies, you can rise above the toughest enemies and become a formidable warrior. In this guide, we will walk you through how to master combat in Elden Ring, breaking it down step-by-step for both newcomers and seasoned players.

1. Understanding the Basics of Combat in Elden Ring

Before diving into advanced techniques, it’s crucial to understand the fundamental combat mechanics of Elden Ring. Combat in this game requires a balance between offense and defense, as reckless attacks will often lead to punishment by enemies.

Combat Movements and Actions

  • Light and Heavy Attacks: Players have two primary attack types: light, which are quicker but deal less damage, and heavy, which are slower but hit harder. Knowing when to use each attack is vital.
  • Blocking and Dodging: Blocking with a shield or weapon mitigates damage, but it can drain stamina. Dodging is essential to avoid getting hit altogether, but timing is key.

Stamina Management

Every action in Elden Ring, from attacking to dodging, consumes stamina. Overextending yourself without considering your stamina bar will leave you vulnerable. Keep a close eye on it, and learn to retreat when necessary to recover.

2. Perfecting Dodging and Invincibility Frames

Dodging is one of the most critical survival techniques in Elden Ring. A well-timed dodge can mean the difference between life and death, especially during boss fights.

Mastering Invincibility Frames (I-Frames)

When you dodge, you briefly become invincible during certain frames of the animation. These invincibility frames allow you to avoid incoming attacks if timed correctly. Practice your dodges to avoid attacks entirely rather than just distancing yourself from the enemy.

Roll Distance and Weight Load

The weight of your equipment affects how far you can roll and how fast you move. If your equipment load is too heavy, your rolls will be sluggish, making it harder to dodge attacks. Aim to maintain a “medium” weight load for balanced mobility.

3. Learning to Parry and Riposte

Parrying is a more advanced technique that allows you to deflect enemy attacks and create an opening for a devastating riposte. Not all attacks can be parried, but when done correctly, it can turn the tide of a battle.

When and How to Parry

  • Timing: You must press the parry button just before the enemy’s attack lands.
  • Positioning: Get up close to enemies, but don’t parry too early, or you’ll leave yourself vulnerable.


After successfully parrying an enemy, you’ll have a small window to perform a riposte, which deals significant damage. Practice parrying smaller, less dangerous enemies before attempting it on larger foes.

4. Leveraging Weapon Arts and Special Abilities

Elden Ring introduces unique weapon arts that give players special abilities with certain weapons. These powerful moves can turn the tide of battle when used wisely.

Choosing the Right Weapon Art

Each weapon has its own art, so try out different weapons to see which fits your playstyle. Some arts are better suited for crowd control, while others excel in one-on-one duels.

Managing Focus Points (FP)

Weapon arts consume FP, so be mindful of your FP bar and carry items that replenish it. Like stamina, running out of FP in the middle of a fight can be dangerous, especially if you’re relying heavily on weapon arts.

5. Managing Combat with Bosses

Boss battles in Elden Ring are the ultimate test of your combat skills. Each boss has unique attacks and patterns, making every encounter a challenge.

Learning Boss Patterns

Study each boss’s attack patterns and animations. Most bosses telegraph their attacks with subtle movements or sounds. Learning these cues allows you to predict and dodge their moves more effectively.

Exploiting Weaknesses

Many bosses have weaknesses, whether it’s a specific attack that leaves them vulnerable or an elemental weakness. Experiment with different strategies, weapons, and spells to find their weak points.

6. Utilizing Magic and Ranged Combat

Not all combat in Elden Ring has to be fought up close. Magic and ranged attacks provide a strategic advantage, especially against larger enemies or bosses that are difficult to approach.

Choosing the Right Spell

Elden Ring offers a wide variety of magic spells, from offensive to defensive. Select spells that complement your playstyle. For example, using projectile magic can keep enemies at a distance, while healing spells can be a lifesaver during intense battles.

Maintaining Distance

While ranged attacks allow you to fight from afar, managing your distance is crucial. Enemies may rush toward you, so always be ready to dodge or switch to melee combat if they close the gap.

7. Summoning Spirits and Allies for Combat Support

Summoning is an essential feature in Elden Ring, allowing you to call upon spirits or other players for assistance during difficult fights.

Spirit Summons

  • Types of Spirits: Different spirits have various abilities, such as dealing damage or healing you. Experiment with different spirit summons to find one that complements your combat strategy.
  • When to Use Them: Spirit summons are best used in boss fights or against large groups of enemies where you need additional support.

Cooperative Multiplayer

You can also summon other players for help. Multiplayer assistance is especially useful when tackling the game’s more challenging bosses. However, summoning also makes you vulnerable to invasions from hostile players, so be prepared.

8. Healing and Buffing in Combat

Elden Ring offers a variety of healing items and buffs that can significantly impact your combat performance.

Flasks of Crimson Tears

These are your primary healing items, and they can be refilled at Sites of Grace. Always monitor how many flasks you have left and use them wisely.

Buffing Your Character

Some items and spells provide temporary boosts to your stats, such as increased attack power or stamina regeneration. Buffing before a tough fight can give you the edge you need to win.

9. Timing and Positioning in Combat

Combat in Elden Ring isn’t just about attacking—it’s about timing and positioning yourself correctly to maximize your damage and avoid enemy strikes.

Positioning for Backstabs

Positioning yourself behind enemies can often lead to a backstab, which deals massive damage. Watch for opportunities to get behind slower enemies or those distracted by your spirit summons.

Timing Your Attacks

Don’t button-mash your way through combat. Time your attacks based on the enemy’s moves, leaving yourself enough time to dodge or block if necessary.

10. Adapting to Different Enemy Types

Elden Ring features a vast array of enemies, each requiring a different approach. What works on one enemy may fail miserably on another.

Studying Enemy Behavior

Pay attention to the behavior of each enemy type. For example, some enemies are weak to fire, while others are agile and require precise dodges.

Switching Tactics

Don’t be afraid to switch between offensive and defensive tactics depending on the situation. If you’re struggling against a specific enemy, try adjusting your equipment, spells, or strategy.


Mastering combat in Elden Ring is no easy feat, but with practice, patience, and careful planning, you can conquer even the toughest enemies. By understanding the game’s mechanics, perfecting your dodges and parries, and leveraging magic and summons, you will steadily improve. Take your time to study your enemies and adapt to the game’s challenges, and soon you’ll emerge victorious in the Lands Between.