The Persistence of Resource Management Issues in Honkai: Star Rail

September 19, 2024

The Persistence of Resource Management Issues in Honkai: Star Rail


Honkai: Star Rail has garnered a massive player base since its release, largely due to its intricate turn-based combat and rich world-building. However, as players progress through the game, one specific issue becomes apparent: resource management. Whether it’s upgrading characters, crafting gear, or acquiring in-game currencies, players often feel like they are battling more with the system’s economy than with the enemies in the game itself. In this article, we will explore the resource management dilemma in Honkai: Star Rail, its impact on gameplay, and how the developers might address these concerns.

The Initial Grind: Early Game Resources

In the early stages of Honkai: Star Rail, resources feel plentiful. Players are introduced to a variety of in-game currencies such as Credits, Stellar Jade, and crafting materials. The sense of abundance during this phase creates an illusion that resource management won’t be a problem.

Initial Progress Feels Satisfying

Players are encouraged to experiment with different characters and upgrade paths without much restriction. Gear upgrades, character leveling, and weapon crafting feel achievable, giving players a strong sense of progression. However, this is where the game introduces a subtle but growing problem: the drain of resources.

First Signs of Scarcity

As players hit the mid-level progression mark, the early abundance of resources starts to dwindle. Daily missions and quests that once provided ample rewards begin to feel insufficient as the costs for upgrades scale rapidly. The first cracks in the resource management system become visible here.

Mid-Game Pressure: Resource Bottleneck

Once players reach the mid-game, the bottleneck in resources becomes much more noticeable.

Expensive Character Upgrades

At this stage, leveling up characters requires an exponential increase in resources. The materials needed to ascend characters or weapons become harder to come by, forcing players to either grind daily missions repeatedly or wait for limited-time events to gather the necessary resources.

Gear and Relic Struggles

Relics, the equivalent of gear in Honkai: Star Rail, are another point of contention. To enhance relics to higher tiers, players need to spend large amounts of Credits and special materials. The difficulty in obtaining relics with good stats compounds this issue, as players often waste resources enhancing subpar gear.

Endgame Challenges: Hyper-Focused Resource Allocation

By the time players hit the endgame, resource management becomes a key factor in whether they can continue to progress effectively or hit a wall.

Limited Sources of Resources

At this stage, daily and weekly activities no longer provide enough resources to match the game’s escalating demands. Players find themselves forced into making difficult choices: Do they invest in their current roster, or save for future characters and content?

Reliance on Microtransactions

Many players begin to feel the pressure to spend real money to overcome these resource hurdles. Stellar Jade, which can be used to pull for new characters and gear, becomes a coveted currency. This leads to a growing frustration in the community as free-to-play players feel left behind by the system’s paywalls.

The Gacha System’s Role in Resource Management

The gacha system plays a pivotal role in the game’s resource dynamics. Players often spend their hard-earned Stellar Jade to pull for new characters or rare weapons, only to find themselves unable to invest in upgrading them due to the scarcity of other necessary resources.

Resource Drain from Unlucky Pulls

Players who receive multiple duplicates or characters they don’t need feel that the game punishes them further by draining their resources in attempts to salvage bad rolls. This mechanic not only limits progression but exacerbates the feeling that success is heavily dependent on luck rather than skill.

Increased Pressure to Spend

The gacha system also increases the pressure to spend money, as players seek to obtain powerful characters to stay competitive. The resources required to upgrade these characters after acquisition often outpace what is reasonably obtainable for free-to-play players.

Farming Fatigue: The Cost of Repetition

Resource farming becomes a tedious routine as players repeat the same missions daily for diminishing returns.

Stamina System

The stamina system, which limits the number of activities a player can do per day, compounds the resource management issue. Players are forced to prioritize specific tasks, often at the expense of others, leading to a sense of frustration when they can’t achieve meaningful progression.

Event Dependency

Limited-time events provide bursts of resources but aren’t enough to offset the daily grind. This dependency on temporary content creates a cycle where players are constantly chasing after fleeting rewards.

Community Frustrations: Player Reactions to Resource Scarcity

The community’s reaction to Honkai: Star Rail‘s resource management system has been largely negative. Many players have expressed their frustration on forums and social media, citing the imbalance between the effort required to farm resources and the rewards obtained.

Complaints of a “Pay-to-Win” System

Free-to-play players often voice concerns that the game’s resource scarcity pushes them towards spending real money, turning the game into a pay-to-win system. While microtransactions are optional, the growing gap between paying and non-paying players is hard to ignore.

Calls for System Overhaul

There have been widespread calls for changes to the game’s economy. Players have suggested increasing the amount of resources obtained through daily activities, lowering upgrade costs, and offering more ways to earn resources without the need for real money.

Developer Response: Attempts to Address the Issue

MiHoYo, the developers behind Honkai: Star Rail, have acknowledged some of these issues but have been slow to implement substantial changes.

Event-Driven Solutions

The developers have introduced periodic events that offer additional resources to help players with their progression. However, these events are often time-limited, and the resources they provide are quickly consumed, leaving players back at square one once the event ends.

QoL Improvements

There have been some quality-of-life (QoL) improvements, such as auto-battles for farming and slightly better rewards for daily activities, but these changes do not fully address the core problem of resource scarcity.

Alternative Solutions: What Could Be Done Better?

To make Honkai: Star Rail more sustainable for both free-to-play and paying players, several changes could be implemented.

Increase Resource Availability

One solution is to increase the base rewards for daily missions and challenges, allowing players to accumulate resources at a reasonable pace. This would alleviate some of the grind fatigue and make progression feel more attainable.

Rebalance Gacha and Microtransactions

Another solution would be to rebalance the gacha system, ensuring that even unlucky pulls provide some form of compensation, whether through upgrade materials or other currencies. This would reduce the frustration associated with bad rolls and give players more agency in their progression.


The resource management issue in Honkai: Star Rail is a persistent problem that impacts the game’s overall enjoyment and progression. While MiHoYo has made some efforts to address player concerns, more substantial changes are needed to strike a balance between providing a rewarding experience and maintaining the game’s economic structure. Until then, players will continue to face the challenge of balancing their resources and enjoyment in a game world filled with potential but hindered by systemic limitations.